Business policies

Anti-corruption policy

Marco Polo International d.o.o. (The Company) respects anti-corruption laws in all countries in which it operates.

We have adopted an attitude of zero tolerance towards any form of corruption.

No employee or any other person acting on behalf of the Company shall offer, promise or make payment or give any other item of certain value or demand or accept such item for the purpose of influencing public and state officials or employees or other persons or obtaining an unfair business advantage. It is also prohibited to offer, authorize or pay or give any benefit with the intention of undue influence in order to obtain an unfair business advantage.

Employees and third parties of the company acting on its behalf are not allowed to offer, ask for or accept bribes or other illegal payments in order to conclude or retain business, they are not allowed to participate in money laundering and are obliged to comply with the general principles of combating money laundering, corruption and bribery defined relevant conventions on combating corruption and money laundering.

Failure to comply with or violate this Policy may result in disciplinary action against an individual employee, which may include termination of the employment contract, with sanctions provided for by local laws and regulations.


Preventing corruption is our daily responsibility and a permanent obligation that we ensure by adhering to the following principles:

  • application of zero tolerance rate in relation to corruption and prohibition of such actions in any form, direct and indirect;
  • establishment of a culture within society in which corruption is never acceptable;
  • education and training of employees at all levels in order to improve their knowledge and better understanding of the dangers of corruption, familiarization with legal frameworks and recommendations, prevention, identification and resolution of corruption risks in the Company.

Anti-corruption clause

Marco Polo International d.o.o. undertakes not to undertake, directly or indirectly, any action that could cause the contracting parties and/or related persons of the contracting parties to violate any relevant anti-corruption or anti-money laundering regulation, including the rules from the Code of Business Conduct of Marko Polo International d.o.o. which regulates the mentioned areas.

Marco Polo International d.o.o. undertakes to inform Marko Polo International d.o.o. without delay if he learns or has a certain suspicion about any act of corruption related to the negotiation, conclusion or implementation of this Agreement or other legal affairs arising from this Agreement.

Any violation of the provisions of this article constitutes a valid reason for the termination of this Agreement.

Code of Business Conduct

The Code of Business Conduct of Marko Polo International d.o.o. is fully applicable to this contract, which is available for inspection upon request. On amendments to the Code, Marko Polo International d.o.o. will notify the other contracting party, which will not refuse to apply those amendments without reason. If the other contracting party does not submit a statement within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of notification that it does not agree to the application of the amendments to the Code, it is considered that it has accepted them.

Quality management policy, environment, information security, energy, health and safety at work and business continuity

Marco Polo International d.o.o. is fully dedicated to the management system of quality, environment, information security, energy, safety and health at work, according to the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001, ISO 22301. We are continuously working on improving the mentioned systems.

By establishing the system, we committed ourselves to:

  • Continuously review the requirements of our clients and try to meet them
  • Taking care of the satisfaction of our clients
  • Supervise operations and work on continuous improvements
  • Assess potential business risks, process them and implement adequate controls to reduce them
  • Recruit qualified employees and additionally continuously motivate them and educate them in accordance with market requirements
  • Develop partnership relations with our suppliers
  • Assess environmental aspects and evaluate them with the aim of removing and reducing all negative environmental impacts to the greatest extent possible
  • Develop employees’ awareness of environmental protection
  • Protect the confidentiality and availability of confidential data
  • By constantly improving the energy features of the organization
  • Providing information and resources necessary to achieve energy goals
  • Through dedication in the procurement of energy-efficient equipment and services, as well as through the provision of services, we contribute to the improvement of the organization’s energy performance
  • Fulfil the requirements of the applicable legislation, as well as the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001, ISO 22301

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